1. General

These Terms and Conditions oversee your usage of this site (the ‘Site’) and all the content available on or from the Site. By entering and perusing this Site, you expressly consent to this accompanying Terms and Conditions. This Site is owned by Dee Craft Enterprise Ltd (hereafter referred to as ‘the Company’, ‘Us’, ‘We’)

2. Intellectual Property

i. Copyright

The data on the Site, including but not restricted to all content, designs, pictures, photographs, and other data (hereafter referred to as the ‘Content’) is the property of Dee Craft Enterprise Ltd and is ensured under the Copyright Correction Act 2017 of Mauritius.
Except under the expressed approval from Dee Craft Enterprise Ltd, the Content of the Site may not be replicated, communicated, showed, dispersed, duplicated, adjusted, or used, either partially or in its entirety, with the exception of for your very own and non-business use, under the condition that any duplicates of such Content include this Copyright notice.

ii. Trademarks

Content displayed on this Site (writings, logos, and brand names) are the sole property of Dee Craft Enterprise Ltd and cannot be used without the prior expressed approval from the company.

3. Collection and utilization of Data

By using the Site, you are explicitly giving your consent to Dee Craft Enterprise Ltd to gather, store and use the information you are providing. We may collect the data you give when you fill the ‘Request a Quote’ form on the Site.
For all the information you provide to Us via the Site, you consequently accept that We have the right to utilize and disseminate said information, and that the usage or display of the information does not go against any laws, rules, guidelines, or privileges of outsiders. By providing Us with any information on the Site, you award Us a nonexclusive, unalterable permit to utilize the information for business advancement and advertising purposes.

4. No Unauthorized Use of Images.

Images of places or people displayed on the website are either the property of, or used with permission by, Dee Craft Enterprise Ltd. The use of these images by you, or anyone else that is authorized by you, is strictly prohibited unless expressly permitted by these Terms. Any unauthorized use of these images may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes.

5. No Unauthorized Use of Images.

Dee Craft Enterprise Ltd may at any time revise these Terms by updating this posting and may also make changes to the content, links, or functionality of the Site at any time. You are bound by any revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to review the Terms to which you are bound. All changes are effective immediately when posted and apply to use of the Site thereafter.

6. Disclaimer

The Content of the Site is given with no guarantees or portrayals to the fulfillment, exactness, or idealness of the data in that, and Dee Craft Enterprise Ltd assumes no liability or obligation for any oversights or mistakes on the Site. Besides, Dee Craft Enterprise Ltd claims all authority to change any or all the Content with no earlier notification. With no impediments from the above mentioned, the Content on the Site is given ‘as is’ with no guarantee, communicated or suggested. Dee Craft Enterprise Ltd doesn’t ensure lasting, continuous or unrestricted access to the Site.